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Speaking activity

This exercise has different parts, let´s do all of them together! 1. Listen to the song and then complete the gaps by clicking on this link:!Letilerele 2. Then let´s discuss together about the meaning of the song: - What is the song about? - Who is it for? - What feeling does he has? - Do you think is a Good feeling? - What adjetives have you been able to hear?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Leti.
    I have been able to browse and observe a little bit your blog and I would like to talk about this activity.
    In my listening activity I have also used the same theme, working the ear through a song.
    The truth is that it is a wonderful idea, since we are looking for the motivation of our students, since we work content through their favorite songs.
    I have used the lyricsgaps website. It is a website very similar to yours. You can do different activities with different levels.
    It's a tip between colleagues jijiji.
    Good work !!!


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